Contact Us

Feel free to contact us

For any product-related questions or queries about your order, please contact us and we will try to get back to you within approx. 1-2 working days. We value all our customers greatly and we appreciate your patience. Due to the size of our team, this may take a little longer. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Email and Telephone

◇ Email:

We look forward to hearing from you. Email is the best way to contact us if you have any questions or comments about your orders.

You can also reach us by phone if you’ve made a purchase from us. The phone number could be found on the candle label.

Postal Address

You may also write to us by mail:

86-90 Paul Street,

London, United Kingdom,


Shipping and Return

◇ We aim to dispatch your order within 3-5 working days

◇ We have a 14 days return policy

For more information, please visit our Shipping Policy and Refund Policy page.