Candle Care & Safety Information

Using Candles Safely

Here are a few important safety things to look out for when using our candles, we recommend you take your time to review these guidelines for your safety and get the best experience out of all CYIN ESSENCE candles.

If you have any questions regarding the safety measures, please feel free to contact us.

Further queries
  • Rule 1

    Never leave a burning candle unattended.

  • Rule 2

    Keep away from childern and pets.

  • Rule 3

    Keep away from things that can catch fire.

  • Rule 4

    Always leave at least 10cm between burning candles.

  • Rule 5

    Use on a heat resistant surface or candleholder with sufficient ventilation.

  • Rule 6

    Remove all packaging before lighting.

  • Rule 7

    Do not burn in a draught.

  • Rule 8

    After each burning, trim the wick for 5-10mm before lighting.

  • Rule 9

    Keep wax pool clear of any foreign materials including matches, wick trimmings and debris.

  • Rule 10

    A candle may become hot to touch.

  • Rule 11

    Do not touch or move a burning candle or when the wax is in a liquid state.

  • Rule 12

    Snuff out the flame. Do not blow it out.

  • Rule 13

    Do not burn the candle for more than 3 hours at a time.

  • Rule 14

    Never burn the candle when the wax level is less than 15mm.

We are sure you know them already, but just in case

Candle Care Tips

For best experience

To get the best experience out of our candles, we advise leaving the new candle (with the lid opened) at room temperature for several days before you first light your candle. This will allow the lovely fragrance to infuse the surrounding, leaving a nice scent in your room.

Storing our candles

Avoid storing the candles in direct sunlight, store them in a cool, dry place.

Trim the wick

Always remember to trim the wick after each burning session. Trim the wick to around 5-10mm before lighting.

A wick that is too long will cause the flame to be unstable, causing the wax to melt unevenly.

An un-trim wick will also produce more nasty fumes when burning, therefore, please remember to trim the wick after each use.

For a more even burn

The best way to prevent tunnelling in your candle is to make sure each burning session is long enough.

By enabling the extra heat to distribute more evenly across the surface so that the entire wax surface is melted, a long enough burning session will enable the candle to burn more evenly.

Please be aware, we strongly advise burning our candles for no longer than THREE hours at a time.

If you burn your candle for too long, this will cause the wick to "mushroom". The wick will become unstable leading to a higher risk of producing dangerously large flame and releasing soot (smoke).

The extended burning session will also increase the risk of damaging the container.

Candle's level went up

Please be aware that soy wax naturally expands and contracts when the candle temperature fluctuates.

Since our candles are hand-poured in tin containers, the surrounding room temperature could also have an impact on the candle.

Therefore, you may find your candle's level "went up" or changes slightly over time. This does not affect the candle's performance.